Stand Launchpad Installation for Ubuntu 16.04+ (Steam Only)

(Please Note: this is NOT officially supported, and any crashes, instability, or general issues will be your own to deal with.)

- Step 1:

-Download the launchpad from:

- Step 2:

-Install python prerequisites using the following commands:

sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-venv
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

- Step 3:

-Close and reopen the terminal, then install protontricks using this command:

pipx install protontricks

- Step 4:

-Create symlink from prefix to game location with the following command:

ln -s <location of Grand Theft Auto V folder in steam library folder (GTAV's game file location)> <location of steamapps/compatdata/271590/pfx>/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Grand Theft Auto V

- Step 5:

-Install Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 in the prefix with the following command:

protontricks 271590 dotnet472

- Step 6:

-Run GTA V manually through steam prior to starting the Launchpad.

- Step 7:

-Start the Launchpad.

protontricks-launch --appid 271590 "<path to Stand Launchpad.exe>"

-Change <path to Stand Launchpad.exe> to wherever it was downloaded. (leave quotes intact)

- Step 8: (optional)

-Create a .desktop file for running the Launchpad.
(again, replace <path to standlaunchpad.exe> with the path to the downloaded file)

-Edit <your home folder>/.local/share/applications/standlaunchpad.desktop with any text editor.
-Paste these contents inside and edit as instructed:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Stand Launchpad
Exec=protontricks-launch --appid 271590 "<path to Stand Launchpad.exe>"

-Optionally, you can now add a path to your stand iconfile in the "Icon=" directive.
